What do we do at cortec® biotechnology campus?
The Cortec® Biotechnology Campus is equipped with cutting edge equipment for the manufacturing of Cortec’s Nano VpCI® coatings and Bionetix’s bioremediation and cleaning products. Part of the space is designated for warehousing and shipping of Cortec® products that are deemed “freezable” and cannot be shipped out of our Minnesota or Wisconsin plants during the winter months. The warehouse location also makes a better ship point for U.S. markets in southeastern states, and customers in South American and the Caribbean.
Cortec® Corporation and its subsidiaries are the world’s largest producer of Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor (VpCI®) and Migratory Corrosion Inhibitor (MCI®) Technology. Cortec’s Biotechnology Campus at 2420 Trailmate Drive in Sarasota, Florida (USA), is located in the modern industrial park of Parkland Centre near the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport. It is a state-of-the-art re- search facility with 36,000 square feet of office, manufacturing, warehouse, and laboratory areas under one roof.
Our Address
2420 Trailmate Drive
Sarasota, FL 34243